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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Davenport

From Crafts to Prayers: The Little Saints Guide to Celebrating Easter as a Family

Updated: Apr 6, 2023

Easter is a special time of the year for Catholics around the world, and it's an opportunity for parents to share their faith and family values with their children.

The Easter season is full of traditions and practices that can help children understand the importance of Easter and create lasting memories.

1. Engaging Children in Easter Celebrations

There are many ways to involve children in Easter celebrations. You can start by explaining the history and significance of Easter, and why it is important to your family. We suggest turning to your favourite Bible for scripture and getting some crayons and colouring pens out to illustrate some of the important parts of Holy Week and the life, death and resurrection of Lord Jesus.

We love looking at pictures of the Lords Supper, with his friends and family in the upper room and think this a great place to begin.

2. Involving your children in planning and preparation

Decorating the house and setting the table for Easter dinner is a vital part of all Easter celebrations. There are many wonderful additions you can make to the Easter dinner table

3. Going to Church and attending Mass

Encourage your little ones to participate in Easter traditions, such as attending Mass and participating in Holy Week traditions. You can bring along printable and colouring worksheets for them to keep them busy whilst sitting through a long Latin Mass. Such as these by Catholic crate here.

Attending Mass and participating in Holy Week traditions are important aspects of celebrating Easter in the Catholic Church. These traditions can help children understand the religious significance of Easter and create lasting memories with their families.

Start by attending Mass with your children, and explaining the meaning behind the different parts of the Mass. They can also participate in Holy Week traditions, such as Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday, and Good Friday. Finally, they can encourage their children to participate in the sacraments, such as Confession and Communion, during the Easter season.

4. Crafting

Crafts are a great way to involve children in Easter celebrations and keep them engaged. There are many Easter crafts that children can make, from Easter egg decorating to cross crafts.

One popular Easter craft is decorating Easter eggs.

You can use a variety of techniques, such as dyeing, painting, and decorating with stickers or markers. You can also encourage them to make Easter egg baskets, using materials such as paper plates or cardboard boxes.

- One of our favourite crafta and a popular Easter craft is making crosses.

Children can make crosses out of different materials, such as popsicle sticks, paper, or clay. They can also decorate the crosses with paint, glitter, or other materials.

Easter cards are also a fun way to share the joy of Easter with family members or friends. Children can use different materials, such as construction paper, stickers, and markers, to create personalized and meaningful cards.

5. Activities for Catholic Children

In addition to crafts, there are many Easter activities that our Catholic children can participate in. These activities can help children learn about the significance of Easter and keep them engaged.

One popular Easter activity is the Easter treasure hunt. Parents can hide eggs or small prizes throughout the house or yard, and children can search for them. This activity can also be used to teach children about the Easter story, by placing Bible verses or religious symbols with the prizes.

Another popular Easter activity is the Stations of the Cross. This activity involves walking through the fourteen stations that depict the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection. Children can participate in this activity with their parents or with a group, and it can help them understand the religious significance of Easter. Check out our Stations of the cross activity here with all the prayers and lyrics.

Another fun and creative activity children can participate in Easter plays or pageants. These plays can be performed just in the front room, and they can help children learn about the Easter story in a fun and engaging way.

6. Books for Catholic Children

Books are a great way to teach children about the significance of Easter and the Catholic faith. There are many books available that are perfect for Catholic children, from picture books to chapter books.

One popular book for Catholic children is "The Easter Story" by Brian Wildsmith. This book tells the story of Easter in a simple and engaging way, and it includes beautiful illustrations.

Another popular book is "A First Bible Story Book" by Mary Hoffman. This book includes stories from the Old and New Testament, including the Easter story.

Thirdly, "The Story of Easter" by Patricia A. Pingry is a board book that is perfect for young children. It tells the story of Easter in a simple and easy-to-understand way, and it includes colorful illustrations.

7. Prayer and Reflection

Prayer and reflection are important aspects of Easter, and they can help children understand the religious significance of the day. There are many ways to teach Catholic children about prayer and reflection, from reading Bible verses to participating in family prayer.

You can start by reading Bible verses with their children, and explaining their meaning!

Encourage your children to participate in daily prayer, such as the Rosary or the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Finally, parents can encourage their children to reflect on the meaning of Easter, and to think about how they can live their lives according to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

8. Easter Recipes

Easter is also a time for delicious food and treats, and there are many traditional Catholic Easter foods that families can enjoy together. These foods and treats can help create a sense of family togetherness and bonding.

One popular Catholic Easter food is hot cross buns. These sweet buns are traditionally eaten on Good Friday, and they are marked with a cross to symbolize the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Try our delicious recipe here!

Finally, there are many Easter treats that children can enjoy, such as Easter cookies and chocolates. These treats can be made at home with the help of parents, or they can be purchased from a local bakery.

Easter Traditions from Around the World

Easter is celebrated differently in different parts of the world, and there are many unique traditions and practices that families can learn about and incorporate into their own celebrations.

For example, in Greece, it is traditional to dye Easter eggs red, to symbolize the blood of Christ. In Poland, there is a tradition of blessing Easter baskets, which are filled with foods such as bread, eggs, and ham. In Italy, there is a tradition of the "Pasquetta" or "little Easter," which is celebrated the day after Easter with a picnic in the countryside.

We also share this special time with the Islamic observance of Eid and Ramadam as well as the Jewish Passover Celebrations

Happy Holy Week and a Happy Easter

Whatever you choose to do as a family this Easter there are many ways to make the Easter season meaningful and memorable for your family.

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