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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Davenport

Ten tips to help support your neurodiverse child

We have put together ten emotional and practical tips to help support your neurodiverse child

1. Listen to them and validate their emotions and feelings. This is a huge step in helping your child feel seen and heard.

2. Empathise with the struggles they are having. This will help your child understand their emotions and feeling and help them build awareness.

3. Be kind to your self. Forgive yourself and practice self compassion. This will also help your child be setting a good example. Children will often do what you do and not what you say.

4. Try a therapy group. There are lots of opportunities for therapy groups online. They are run by professionals and they will have the expertise to support your child's well being.

5. Encourage communication with your child and be alert and attentive to them and their likes and interests.

6. Recognise and support your child's strengths and share these with the school and their teacher

7. Encourage your child to try different styles of learning. Audio and recordings rather than books and texts could help your child research and study easier for example.

- Speechify available here for Chrome and here for iPhone and Audible available here are two Apps which may make learning a lot easier for your child.

Check out our post coming soon about our favourite Apps to help neurodivergent children learn and develop.

7. Get a pet. Having a non judgemental friend such as a dog can be a wonderful help to your child in aiding their speach development, helping them to build better emotional intelligence, social skills and have been proved to make people smile more.

8. Exercise is a wonderful tool for getting the mind working well. Simple balancing exercises are great for energising your mind. Swings and roundabouts are great vestibular activities and great as they are outside too.

10. Encourage self care. Using the Montesorri method. This can be very freeing for small children and they will learn how do simple tasks. It will boost your child's confidence too.

The Montesorri Method is a wonderful way for your child to learn and develop involving natural learning rather than formal study. For some Montesorri learning resources visit here.

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