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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Davenport

Ten ways to celebrate the end of the term with your child!

Updated: Jul 4, 2022

With the end of the school year approaching we get to see all the amazing achievement's of the past year. We at Little Saints Nanny Agency think that the end of this year is the perfect opportunity to celebrate with your child and reflect and thank God for all He has done.

1. Celebrate by taking your child on a surprise trip or to see their most favourite show! We love going to see musical-theater shows. Our favourite is "The Prince of Egypt" which we are sure you will love. It is showing and tickets are available here from the first of July.
2. Put it on the wall. Mark the occasion with a photograph, or if it is a special drawing or certificate, frame it and put it on the wall. We love these frames from "Noto on the High Street" which you can slide your child's paintings in and out from! Available here.
3. Give them a gift. As your child grows in their knowledge and spiritual maturity it is lovely to give them a significant gift such as a piece of jewellery, or precious holy gift. We love these Silver St Christopher's and Initials available here
4. Throw a party or play date. We love to celebrate with our friends, why not throw your child a primary school graduation party or play date with a few of their best friends. Choose a theme that your child loves like racing cars or Dinosaurs and make the end of the School term special!
5. Have a special family dinner. Make some yummy dishes for the whole family to sit down and enjoy together. Make it a special occasion by dressing the table and say a special prayer of grace for your meal. We love this one from ConnectUs:

Hebrews 13:16
Oh Lord, as we celebrate together as family and friends, we bless this food that You have provided for us to eat. We appreciate this day as an opportunity to demonstrate our love one to another. So as we are about to eat, I pray that You Lord, enable us to not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to You, Amen.

6. Light a prayer candle! We love this one. It is always so nice to light a prayer candle and pray to our Father in heaven. Celebrating you and your child's achievement is a wonderful opportunity to light a candle and thank the Lord for all He has given us.

7. Pray the Rosary! We love praying to our Heavenly Mother. Any achievement is an opportunity to pray for our intentions and to thank Jesus through his mother, Mary ever Virgin, Queen of Heaven.

8. Encourage your child to have a mass intention this could be anything such as their wishes for the summer or prayers for the family or to give thanks to the Lord for the academic year. You can encourage your child to take their intention to Mass and pray at Church together.

9. Go on a hike together. Exercise is a great way to celebrate the end of the school year. There are some wonderful Hiking paths along the South coast of Britain. It is a great opportunity for your family to connect and share time and stories with each other, and make new memories!

10. Do something new as a family! Pick an activity together and try something new! It is always good to try a new thing, and even better to do it as a family on a day you will always remember.

We hope you all enjoy the beginning of your Summer Holidays and enjoy the time with each other!

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