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  • Writer's picturePhoebe Davenport

Three fun craft activities to do with your toddlers and pre-schoolers for Pentecost

Updated: May 12, 2022

As Pentecost approaches we thought we would create some lovely crafts to share this beautiful time with your toddlers and pre-schoolers. Our three fun Holy Spirit centred activities are great for building fine motor skills and sharing the story of Christs ascension and the gift of the Holy Spirit.

1. Use hand prints to create a Dove.

A dove is a lovely symbol for the Holy Spirit and also can be recognised as a symbol for peace and new beginnings.

You will need:

A sheet of blue card or paper

White paint

An orange or yellow triangle

A black button

Paint brush

Pot of water

Prit stick or PVA glue


With one hand of your little one, dip it in the paint and place it on the blue card in the center, keep room for the other wing and do the same. With the help of your little one paint a round dove head and body and wait for this to dry. Once dried, stick the orange triangle on the round head for a beak and the black button for a doves eye.

2. Make a finger print dove painting on canvas.

You will need:

A sheet of white card or paper or mini canvas

Lots of different coloured child friendly paints

Pot of water

Pencil to draw the Dove outline

Instructions: You can use lots of pretty coloured paints for this one. Draw an outline of a dove on a peace of card or paper and then just dip a finger in the paint and print onto the paper until the dove is completely filled. Child friendly paint set available here.

3. Build a paper Dove to hang from your window.

You will need:

2 Sheets of white Paper



Prit stick or PVA

Colouring pens

Piece of thread or string

Piece of Sellotape

Paint brush for the glue

Pot of water for the glue

Draw an outline of a dove on to the first piece of paper and get your little one to cut this out with safe scissors. This is great for minor motor skills. Scissors available here.

Using the pens, draw a beak and eye and for the wings, fold the second piece of paper one way and then the other to create a fan. Glue this onto the dove for it’s wings and attach the string with a piece of Sellotape.

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